06:04duration 6 minutes 4 seconds
ACCT 8023 Holland Lecture 7-1 Alternative Minimum…
ACCT 8023 Holland Lecture 7-1 Alternative Minimum Tax
13:34duration 13 minutes 34 seconds
ACCT 8023 Holland Lecture 6-1 Credits
19:24duration 19 minutes 24 seconds
ACCT 8023 Holland Lecture 5-1 Deductions -…
ACCT 8023 Holland Lecture 5-1 Deductions - Itemized
16:17duration 16 minutes 17 seconds
ACCT 8023 Holland Lecture 4-3 Deductions -…
ACCT 8023 Holland Lecture 4-3 Deductions - Depreciation
13:56duration 13 minutes 56 seconds
ACCT 8023 Holland Lecture 4-2 Deductions -…
ACCT 8023 Holland Lecture 4-2 Deductions - General and Business Part 2
07:39duration 7 minutes 39 seconds
ACCT 8023 Holland Lecture 4-1 Deductions -…
ACCT 8023 Holland Lecture 4-1 Deductions - General and Business Part 1
10:36duration 10 minutes 36 seconds
ACCT 8023 Holland Lecture 3-2 Exclusions part 2
13:21duration 13 minutes 21 seconds
ACCT 8023 Holland Lecture 2-2 Gross Income part 1
04:16duration 4 minutes 16 seconds
ACCT 8023 Holland Lecture 1-4 Tax Computation
08:14duration 8 minutes 14 seconds
ACCT 8023 Holland Lecture 1-3 Filing Status
04:13duration 4 minutes 13 seconds
ACCT 8023 Holland Lecture 1-2 Personal Exemptions