08:53duration 8 minutes 53 seconds
MKTG2080 Module 3 – Consumer Behavior
00:54duration 54 seconds
IS2080 Module 12 Introduction
01:21duration 1 minute 21 seconds
IS2080 Module 8 Introduction
02:47duration 2 minutes 47 seconds
IS2080 Chapter 12 - 3
02:40duration 2 minutes 40 seconds
IS2080 Chapter 12 -1
10:36duration 10 minutes 36 seconds
Source of Volume
01:30duration 1 minute 30 seconds
OM742 Module 2 Discussion Board Debrief
23:11duration 23 minutes 11 seconds
OM 7042 Lecture 3.2 Baldrige Item 3.1
15:37duration 15 minutes 37 seconds
OM 7042 Lecture 3.1 Basic concepts of customer…
OM 7042 Lecture 3.1 Basic concepts of customer focus