01:55duration 1 minute 55 seconds
2080 Chapter 2 _ 9.mp4
09:54duration 9 minutes 54 seconds
Current Managerial Accounting Focus and the Value…
Current Managerial Accounting Focus and the Value Chain
05:46duration 5 minutes 46 seconds
Managerial vs. Financial Accounting Example
ACCT 2082 Example 1-2
04:31duration 4 minutes 31 seconds
The Value Chain Example
ACCT 2082 Module 1 Example - The Value Chain
07:57duration 7 minutes 57 seconds
OM 7042 Lecture 5.4 Baldrige Item 6.2
16:30duration 16 minutes 30 seconds
OM 7042 Lecture 2.1 Strategic Planning Basics
16:02duration 16 minutes 2 seconds
ENTR 7082 Chapter 15 Technology Accelerators