Search for tag: "tax cutting"

Lecture 6-8

From  Danielle Lawrence 211 plays 0  

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Summary

+17 More
From  Danielle Lawrence 96 plays 0  

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act - Deferred Foreign Income Transition

From  Danielle Lawrence 116 plays 0  

Provisions Prior to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

From  Danielle Lawrence 112 plays 0  

Foreign Tax Credit Limitation

+13 More
From  John Stoll 75 plays 0  

Base Erosion Anti-Abuse Tax (BEAT)

From  John Stoll 237 plays 0  

Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI)

From  John Stoll 329 plays 0  

Foregin Tax Credit - Section 960 Credits

From  John Stoll 103 plays 0  

US Foreign Tax Credits

+15 More
From  John Stoll 72 plays 0  

Course Introduction Continued

From  John Stoll 53 plays 0  

Course Introduction

From  John Stoll 59 plays 0  

ACCT 8039_Module 4 Introduction

From  Danielle Lawrence 16 plays 0  

ACCT 8039_Module 5 Introduction

+13 More
From  Danielle Lawrence 14 plays 0  

ACCT 8039_Module 3 Introduction

+15 More
From  Danielle Lawrence 19 plays 0  

ACCT 8023 Holland Lecture 7-1 Alternative Minimum Tax

+15 More
From  Barry Holland 14 plays 0  

ACCT 8023 Holland Lecture 6-1 Credits

From  Barry Holland 14 plays 0