Search for tag: "iqepitch2020"

Freshman Track - 3rd Place - 15509 - Refuge

IQE Pitch Competition 2020 - 15509 RefugeREFUGE is asking all investors to consider contributing to the company. CEO Isabel Coomes describes their product, the CM043, and why…

From  Isabel Coomes 318 plays 0  

How to Upload a Video for the IQEPitch

Instructional video on how to upload and submit a video to the IQEPitch Competition Download the attached document for detailed instructions:

From  Iq Epitch 102 plays 0  

Judges Overview

Thi video will give a brief overview of the judging expectation for the external judges of the Innovation Quest Elevator Pitch Competition

From  Iq Epitch 72 plays 0