Undergraduate Track - 1st Place - 25730 - StudyUp
From Jackson Welch
From Jackson Welch
IQE Pitch Competition 2020 - StudyUp
About a year ago I was playing the game CatchPhrase with my family and we realized a problem. There we’re a finite number of words hard coded to the physical device; once you learned all the words, the game became very easy. My goal was to create a mobile version of this game that featured changing decks and allowed the user to create custom decks. This way, they could customize the game to their liking and the words never get stale because they are constantly updating. At the time of this writing, the application has over 25k downloads with a 4.4 rating, ranked 10th in the iOS App Store in Trivia Games, and is producing around $2-20 per day. The business model has two options; free and pro. The free version is integrated with advertisements. The pro version is available for a $1.99 download and does not contain ads, allows the user to create custom decks, and importing word lists. After releasing this app, pro version users were using it for education rather than the expected use of creating decks for party events. I received an email from an Economics professor at the University of Arkansas who said he was using my app to teach his course because he found his students we’re more engaged with the material and that it was easier to use than competitors like Quizlet.
My idea for a future application is to create an app that incorporates the core features of my existing app but marketed for education. I call it “StudyUp”. StudyUp would be marketed towards teachers and professors to create study guide material and vocab words for their students. These “decks” can then be distributed to students in app for them to review and play the game with friends. The business model is very similar to the initial application. You would be allowed to create up to three decks for free; anything after that would require a $1.99 monthly subscription service to create unlimited decks for distribution. I think this price is high enough so that with enough volume there is room for profit but not too high that it would discourage sales.
I am entering this application into IQE Pitch Competition in hopes to gain funding to bring this app to life. I would use the funding to pay for domain hosting, website, storage for decks and other charges to be named later. Thank you for your time.
You can find the app on iOS located here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/phrasecatch-catchphrase/id1480897096
I was really pressed for time when making this video. 120 seconds was very limited time to discuss everything I wanted.
Jackson Welch